Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Have This WONDERFUL Rug In My Classroom...

...there's just one problem:

What do I do with student number

Houston-- we've got a problem...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Loving Third Grade

I am loving my third graders. I feel like we have developed our own little world and we feed off of each other all day long. My students' latest is to comment about my "waiting face." They'll start whispering to each other, "Miss Larsen has her waiting face on, be quiet." Sometimes, however, their whispering makes me laugh and then they'll start to argue about whether or not I have my "waiting face" on because I am smiling. They also enjoy giving me a hard time about my Diet Coke addiction. I told them that I have to drink it because I'm allergic to third graders and Diet Coke is my medicine. I love my 23 kids and look forward to each day I get to spend with them.