Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wacky Wasps!

Hey everyone! I am loving teaching despite all of the stress and work. I have a funny story for you. The other day a wasp followed one of my students in from recess. My kids went crazy over it. They paid a lot more attention to it than to me. Finally I decided that I would use the wasp to my advantage. We have been talking about alliterations so I had my students help me list as many "w" words as we could think of. I then had them write stories about wasps in which they had to include at least 10 other "w" words. It taught me that when unexpected things happen in your classroom you just have to try to turn them into teaching moments. Hope that you are all enjoying teaching and your students! Love, Megan

1 comment:

  1. Good idea! It's true- you just have to take advantage of what's happening to teach your lesson effectively! :) Hope things are going well for everyone else too!
