Thursday, October 15, 2009


I feel so far behind from ya'all. Working people? Pregnant people? I am neither and who knows when I will be either. I am currently in the middle of my Teacher Work Sample - that oh so gloriously organized and well thought out piece of work that clearly demonstrates all the learning I've ever acquired throughout my years of hard work at BYU. It's due in a week and a half and I'm surprised I haven't thrown up yet. I have never put in so much effort in all my life as I have so far during my student teaching semester. My whole heart is in this and if I fail, I think I shall never look in a mirror and find a smile. Ok, I'm being dramatic. This is really hard work, but I keep telling myself I just need to take it a day at a time. I'm also trying to complete a Children's Lit course via online. AND I'm trying to complete some travel documents so that my husband and I can teach in China next semester. Lots of stuff. Good stuff. I think I thrive on the overwhelming, stressfulness of life. Well, I'm so happy to hear how ya'all are doing. Keep finding laughs out of little things. Love ya'all!

Kristine Marie Hardy/Kirk
Student Teacher @ Larsen Elementary 4th Grade

PS: Congratulations my beautiful pregnant peers! I'm probably a couple years behind ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hey that's awesome that you are almost done! And I love that you are student teaching at Larsen. I went to school there! Most of the people that have been there know me well! Even the janitor- isn't it still Mr. Bott? The office staff still know me, I'm surprised when I walk in and they act like I've never left! :)
    I think I saw you at Zupas the other day! I was getting food for my coworkers and in a hurry to get to Young Women's meeting so I didn't stop. Sorry!
